
Plaid Cymru wants a Wales which is independent, successful, and green, and where nobody is left behind. Join us and other Plaid members from all across Wales and worldwide as we work to realize that vision.


Plaid Cymru standard membership is £5 a month, or £2 a month for those on a low income (under £15,000 a year). You can also choose to contribute more every month through our Triban scheme - click to learn more.

Join Plaid:
Direct debit

Direct debit - monthly or annual payment

Join Plaid:
Credit card

Credit card - annual payment only

Free Youth Membership

Plaid Cymru currently offer free youth membership to Plaid Ifanc - Plaid Cymru's Youth Section - for 14-18 year olds.

Please note that membership of Plaid Ifanc (the Youth Section) does not entitle you to free membership of the party. To enjoy the benefits of being a full member of the party please join using one of the methods above.